On 14 February 2017, Xiamen Office signed strategic cooperation agreement with Institute of International Economic Law of Xiamen University. Eminent professors, including Song Fangqing, dean of law school of XMU, and Guantao lawyers, including Li Yansheng, executive partner of Xiamen Office, attended the signing ceremony.
Both parties recognized the opportunities and challenges for economic law scholars and lawyers posed by China’s rise. They fully appreciated the benefit of long-term close cooperation for each other’s development, especially in the background of The Belt and Road Initiative and Go Global strategy. For this purpose, they decided to start strategic cooperation and set up XMU-Guantao International Law Forum.
XMU-Guantao International Law Forum focuses on, among other things, international business law, China’s foreign commerce laws and policies, dispute resolution with foreign elements. Regular academic conference, talent exchange and internship program would be held in the near future.