The Lawyer China Elite 2016 (UK)
The Lawyer's China Elite 2016 report, released lately, identifies the top 30 performing Chinese firms by various key metrics such as revenue, RPL and RPP last year. Guantao was named in several lists:
• Revenue: ranking 26th
• Revenue growth (2014 - 2015): ranking 24th
• RPP: ranking 27th
• RPP growth: ranking 28th
• China domestic: ranking 16th
• Revenue growth (2013 - 2015): ranking 25th
• RPL growth: ranking 30th
American Lawyer
American Lawyer published the revenue ranking of Chinese law firms. Guantao was named as one of the top 35 by total revenue (ranking 19th) and RPL (ranking 28th).
ALB M&A Rankings 2016
ALB published ALB M&A Rankings 2016 in its September edition. With its excellent performance last year, Guantao was ranked in tier 2 among PRC law firms.